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The Role of Apprenticeships in Promoting Success within Building, Trade & Facilities Services

Writer's picture: GLP Training GLP Training

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Today we will explore the intricate connection between apprenticeships and innovation, focusing on how they contribute to building skills, facilitating knowledge transfer, and ultimately driving success within the building and trade industry.

In the ever-evolving landscape of industry and technology, the demand for innovation has never been higher. To meet this demand, companies are increasingly turning to apprenticeships as a powerful tool for cultivating fresh talent, driving creativity, and fostering a culture of innovation.


Closing the Skills Gap:

The construction industry is heading towards a Skills Gap Shortage. Organisations need to ensure it has the skilled workforce to meet the demand for sustainable construction practices. There has been a sharp rise in skills shortages, which has grown from 29% in the beginning of 2021, to 55% by the end of 2021. Reports have also stated how this will increase if nothing is done about it.

At GLP Training, we are attuned to the prevailing challenges of today. Through our dedicated Building, Trade & Facilities Apprenticeship programs, we are committed to empowering individuals with the essential skills and qualifications, enabling them to excel in their apprenticeships and minimise this Skills Gap. Our aim is to inspire and propel them toward achieving their goals towards the career path they choose to pursue.

Building Skills:

Apprenticeships serve as a dynamic pathway for individuals to acquire specialised skills directly relevant to their chosen field.

By combining practical, hands-on experience with theoretical knowledge, apprentices especially within the Building and Trade Services, gain a comprehensive understanding of their industry. This skill-building process not only prepares them for current tasks but also equips them with the adaptability needed to tackle future challenges.

Through mentorship and structured training, apprentices are molded into versatile professionals ready to contribute to innovative projects.

Trading Knowledge:

The exchange of knowledge is a cornerstone of any thriving industry.

Apprenticeships facilitate this exchange by connecting seasoned professionals with eager learners. The mentorship aspect of apprenticeships allows for the transfer of tacit

knowledge – those practical skills, insights, and problem-solving approaches that are often difficult to teach through traditional educational methods.

As apprentices work alongside experienced mentors, they not only absorb technical know-how but also gain valuable insights into the industry's best practices and potential areas for improvement.

Therefore, apprenticeships have the power to shape the future of Building and Trade by passing on useful knowledge and teaching techniques to future leaders.

Facilitating Innovation:

Innovation thrives in environments where diverse perspectives and ideas intersect. Apprenticeships, by design, foster collaboration and creativity. The inclusion of apprentices in projects encourages the blending of fresh, innovative ideas with the tried-and-true methods of seasoned professionals.

This collaborative atmosphere serves as a breeding ground for novel solutions, disruptive technologies, and groundbreaking advancements.

Beyond the traditional scope of innovation, apprenticeships also contribute to the development of a culture that values continuous improvement. As apprentices engage with mentors and peers, they become part of a community that encourages learning, experimentation, and the pursuit of excellence. This culture, in turn, perpetuates a cycle of innovation that will benefit the future of Building and Trade Services, as continuous improvement is being fostered.


Numerous success stories underscore the transformative influence of apprenticeships on innovation, particularly within the building, trade, and facilities services sectors. Big companies like Skanska, Turner Construction, and Schneider Electric have implemented apprenticeship programs that go beyond building a skilled workforce; they have become instrumental in driving cutting-edge developments in the construction and trade industries. These examples highlight the tangible impact of investing in apprenticeships within the building and trade sectors, not only for workforce development but also for fostering a culture of innovation.

Therefore, take time to truly understand the benefits of undergoing a construction apprenticeship, and take a moment to read through the Apprenticeships that we, at GLP Training can offer you to join this exciting road to a new career path.

Help us shape the world of construction today!


Overall, apprenticeships are more than just a means of filling skill gaps; they are a catalyst for innovation.

By building essential skills, facilitating the exchange of knowledge, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, apprenticeships play a vital role in driving innovation across industries.

As businesses navigate the challenges of a rapidly changing landscape, embracing apprenticeship programs is not just a strategic move; it is an investment in a future where innovation is the key to success.


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