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Celebrating 10 Years in Business

Updated: Jun 13

Team photo of members of GLP Training, with a 10 years in business sketch

May marks 10 years in business for GLP Training, and it is something that we are immensely proud of. As we celebrate this decade of growth and achievement, it’s worth reflecting on the journey that has brought us here, the lessons we've learned, and the exciting path that lies ahead.


The Early Days: Laying the Foundation

Every business starts with a spark—a vision to create something valuable. Our journey began with our CEO, Gemma Louise Parsons, and a big dream. Those early days were filled with challenges, from securing initial funding to building a customer base. But with passion and persistence, a strong foundation was laid. We focused on understanding our market, honing our products and services, and building relationships with our clients.

Growth and Expansion:

As we moved past the initial hurdles, growth became our next big challenge. Scaling up meant hiring more people, expanding our operations, and maintaining the quality and consistency of our training. We navigated through periods of rapid growth, which brought both opportunities and challenges. Adapting to changing market demands, embracing new technologies, and continuously innovating were key to our expansion.

Navigating Challenges:

No journey is without its bumps. Over the past ten years, we faced economic downturns, industry disruptions, and unforeseen obstacles like the COVID-19 pandemic. Each challenge tested our resilience and pushed us to innovate and adapt. We learned the importance of being flexible, staying connected with our customers, and supporting our team through difficult times. These experiences strengthened our company culture and fortified our resolve to succeed.

Building a Strong Team: The Heart of Our Success

Our team has always been at the heart of our success. From a handful of dedicated individuals, we’ve grown into a diverse and talented team that drives our mission forward. We’ve invested in our people through continuous learning and development opportunities, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation. Our team’s dedication and passion have been the driving force behind our achievements.

Customer Relationships: The Key to Longevity

Building and maintaining strong relationships with our customers has been crucial to our longevity. We’ve always believed in putting our customers first, understanding their needs, and delivering value beyond their expectations. Listening to customer feedback, adapting to their evolving needs, and providing exceptional service have helped us build a loyal customer base that continues to grow.

Looking Ahead: The Next Chapter

As we celebrate this ten-year milestone, we’re filled with gratitude for the journey so far and excitement for what lies ahead. We will continue to face challenges and adapt to these, but we are ready to embrace the future with the same passion and determination that has brought us this far.

Final Thoughts: Gratitude and Vision

Celebrating 10 years in business is a momentous achievement, and it wouldn’t have been possible without our amazing students, the dedication of our team, and the trust and support of our clients. We are deeply grateful to everyone who has been part of our journey. As we look to the future, we are inspired to continue building on our success, exploring new horizons, and making a positive impact in the education industry and beyond.

Here’s to the next decade of growth, innovation, and success... We are only just getting started!🌟

- Team GLP💜

P.S. Don't forget to check out our anniversary-themed posts over on LinkedIn!

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