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Apprentice Recruitment

When recruiting apprentices for our partners, we focus on delivering a seamless service that produces quality candidates. Rather than just recruiting for a defined specification, our future-focussed approach to apprenticeship recruitment means we find talent that will grow within an organisation over time.



Building first-class skills for sustainable growth


Our apprenticeship recruitment service diligently serves businesses in a  diverse range of sectors, carefully selecting apprentices at advanced, intermediate and higher levels. All too often, businesses will try to buy skills whether this is through expensive recruitment fees, inflated salaries or the use of temporary contracts.


Costing an estimated £6.3 billion per year, this approach is not only expensive, but also unsustainable. For many businesses, it does not provide a long-term skills solution. We believe in developing lasting skills from scratch, by growing them across your organisation and enriching your workforce for the long term. The start of a sustainable skills development programme begins with a quality apprenticeship recruitment process.

Our Recruitment Process


Below is a complete breakdown of our recruitment process so you know what to expect when you hire an apprentice with GLP Training, you can pick and choose which elements of this process you’d like us to take control of and which elements you’d like to maintain. A common approach is we conduct the process up to the interview stage and at that point the employer retakes control following candidate screening.

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